My name is Michael Wilson and I am running for Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Commissioner At-Large.

I am a runner, swimmer, biker, gardener, and democratic socialist. I have been shaped and nurtured by our parks during my 10 years living in Minneapolis. I've dedicated my professional career to public service: from working at our aquatic recreation programs, to organizing to reduce toxic pollution, to managing grant funding at local nonprofits and the UMN School of Public Health. I understand our parks from the ground up. My enduring commitment to our parks comes from seeing their power to advance health and justice for working families. I believe that strong parks make strong communities—but only when they truly serve everyone. 

I know firsthand how vital our parks are to creating community well-being. Working in the Park Board Aquatics Department, I went from Lifeguarding to running city-wide drowning prevention programs at all Minneapolis pools, beaches, and waterparks. In the City of Lakes, swimming and drowning prevention are essential so everyone can safely use our parks. I'll advocate for the expansion of culturally appropriate swimming programs alongside better transit connections to our park system, especially for those facing the highest drowning rates and transportation barriers to our world-class lands and waters. I led coworkers in organizing the first-ever lifeguards union at the Park Board. Our parks can't thrive without fairly compensated, stable staff who can afford to live and build lasting relationships in the communities they serve. 

Now is the time for strong leadership at our parks, not token climate measures. I will challenge greenwashing schemes like carbon offset credits that embolden big polluters. I will fight for fairer funding—so that when we face environmental challenges like the Emerald Ash Borer infestation, or when we need new playgrounds, working families aren’t left to shoulder the burden alone. I’ll advocate for new investments in youth programming so our kids are in our parks building healthy habits and community connections. I’ll expand our Park Board child care programs so all our families can afford quality, accessible child care.

I’m running for Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board because our parks belong to all of us. I'll fight every day to ensure our parks truly serve everyone in our community. Let's work together to build the park system our city deserves!

Help our parks thrive safely, equitably, and sustainably